Dave Stephens 電吉他拾音器

本文由 Jeff2004-08-15 發表於 "吉他精華" 討論區

  1. Jeff

    Jeff 吉他版主


    My name is Dave Stephens, not Stephen. The local blues guys all call me “Possum” at the clubs. Maybe I’ll see you there and you can try my pickups — they’re in all my guitars.

    My background is in music industry marketing, graphic and Web design. I have won major awards for some music industry names you probably know.

    I have been playing guitar since I was about 15 years old. It’s in my blood; I’ve never been able to put it down. I’ve always been obsessed with music, mostly blues, but I listen to anything good and appreciate true talent, no matter the field.

    This obsession with guitars and music has dominated my professional life to the point that virtually all my major graphic design clients have been in the music industry. Two you will no doubt recognize have been EMG Pickups and Shrapnel Records.

    I serviced EMG Pickups for nearly 14 years and was responsible for helping put them on the map by giving them a professional image in all their advertising, promotional materials and trade show graphics. My work for them has won many awards.

    I have also worked with Shrapnel Records for over 20 years. I have designed the majority of their album covers, Web site and all their ads and trade show materials. I have dealt with and worked for many of their musicians including Greg Howe, Frank Gamabale, Steve Smith, Robben Ford, Jason Becker and Marty Friedman, Scott Henderson, Jimmy Haslip, Rick Derringer, Pat Travers, and more. It’s been a joy to work with them and help a small, important company bring so many unbelievably talented musicians to the world.

    My Dad was in the Army Signal Corps and a ham operator so I was around electronics, tubes and transformers all my life at home, so making pickups and working on amps is a natural thing for me.

    In another “life” I was also a nationally known jewelry artist and lapidary guy. In fact I had the very first art jewelry Web site on the Internet back in ’95. I’ve always liked making things, and my metalsmithing skills carry over to making fine quality pickups by hand.

    So, as you can see, my life is all about music and electronics. Now I have a product of my own to sell (instead of promoting everybody else’s toys). My intent is to put great-sounding pickups in your hands and give your guitar the best stage voice possible.

    I live in Tualatin, Oregon with my wife Suzanne, my two cats, our dog Sage, and Suzanne’s many saltwater fish and her coral business. We both love the Portland area.

    You can find me at the local blues jams, (particularly Duff’s Garage on Wednesdays, with Suburban Slim and Marco Savo) playing the blues and learning from those master musicians.

    Other than playing the jams and my sometimes band, I’m sort of a hermit nite owl. I make pickups when no one else is awake. I sincerely hope I can be of service to you in your quest

    看看他的 "德州龍捲風",官方網站上還有試聽檔案。


    Strat pickups by design are weak. They need a pedal to push an amp to soloing levels. I wanted to make a set of Strat pickups you could plug into a tube amp, then turn up the amp and get the soloing power and output you get from P90s.

    I used to play Strats all the time and I still love them. But it really annoys me that every single Strat player I’ve ever seen will always throw down an overdrive box for his leads. A gain pedal destroys your guitar’s tone and makes any guitar you plug into it sound the same. I want to hear the guitar’s tone, not Tubescreamer Tone.

    Nobody else makes a Strat set like this. Pickup companies design their pickups for the middle-of-the-road. They always play it safe with their design specs. Texas Twisters push beyond what others make and go beyond the “safe” zone. I have designed these pickups to give you increased output with Alnico 5 magnets that goes beyond stock recipes without resorting to ceramic magnets. My winds are outrageous but they maintain Strat tone and cut out those brittle highs nobody ever liked anyway. Twisters are a darker, smoother tone than traditional sets. Please see the reviews page for more on this.

  2. 好多吉它

    好多吉它 New Member

    好耶 也好傷
  3. rock99

    rock99 New Member

