Neumann 發表 KH80 DSP 監聽

Discussion in '錄音、MIDI、音樂製作' started by 掌門人, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. 掌門人

    掌門人 當代校長張超然

    Aug 30, 2001
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    可能 KH120 賣得很好,Neumann 又出了更小ㄧ點的 KH80 DSP。感覺上應該是要網上做 6.5 吋的 driver 才對,Neumann 卻反而做比 5.5 吋更小的 model…...有可能是因為價位的關係。不過這個挺適合旅行、外帶使用!另外有 DSP 理論上低頻也可以做些補償之類的。


    With the KH 80 DSP, Neumann.Berlin launches its first studio monitor with digital signal processing. “Our DSP engine is an in-house development that primarily takes a formerly unknown variable and makes it calculable: the room. Expect clear, high-precision sound wherever you are monitoring,” explains Wolfgang Fraissinet, President of Neumann.

    Thanks to the upcoming “Neumann.Control” software, in the future the new KH 80 DSP two-way near-field studio monitor will be able to fully calibrate itself to the room. This can be performed either automatically (Precision Alignment), with some simple questions (Guided Alignment), or adjusted with complete flexibility using the built in 8-band fully parametric equalizer (Manual Alignment).

    “In the KH series we have always been obsessed with the details when it comes to the calculation and modeling of the drivers, waveguide and cabinet,” emphasizes Fraissinet. The result is a frequency response with such neutrality that it defines a whole new reference class – and at a price that was previously unthinkable for a Neumann Studio Monitor. Using mathematical models, the two drivers were calculated to a degree of depth, “which is unusual even for our industry,” explains Fraissinet. Nonlinear distortion is thus minimized from the very beginning. The MMD™ Waveguide (Mathematically Modelled Dispersion™) optimizes the frequency response on- and off-axis, and enables more movement within the listening area and more consistency even in the most varied acoustic environments.

    The KH 80 DSP is designed as an ideal monitor solution for recording, mixing and mastering in project, music, broadcasting and post-production studios.

    Every mechanical and electronic element – from the driver to the amplification – is handpicked and harmonized in accordance with Neumann standards. The DSP engine also ensures a linear frequency response with a FIR filter. This makes sure that in every environment all frequencies are precisely timed.

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