Genelec 發表同軸監聽 The Ones

本文由 掌門人2017-05-11 發表於 "錄音、MIDI、音樂製作" 討論區

  1. 掌門人

    掌門人 當代校長張超然

    越來越多同軸監聽!Pro Audio 似乎也兩極化發展,Genelec 發表的三款同軸監聽 The Ones 都不便宜。後級當然又是 D 類.....

    Genelec, the leader in active monitoring technology for four decades, is proud to introduce Ultimate Point Source monitoring with The Ones. The award-winning 8351 is joined by the 8331 and 8341, the world’s smallest three-way coaxial monitors, to create a complete compact coaxial range that redefines near-field monitoring. Unveiled today to a VIP audience at London’s Metropolis Studios, the 8331 and 8341 immediately defy expectations; housed in enclosures no larger than a traditional two-way 8030 or 8040, they wipe away the previous constraints of coaxial point source set-ups.

    Long considered the standard for critical listening, point source overcomes the off-axis colouration associated with traditional loudspeaker designs, giving the user more freedom of movement rather than confining them to a narrow sweet spot. But point source has also presented its own set of limitations when combined with superior coaxial designs, including limited frequency range, low SPL and uneven dispersion. Using Genelec’s acclaimed Minimum Diffraction Coaxial (MDC™) driver, The Ones eliminate these issues to create the Ultimate Point Source.

    The Ones deliver precise imaging both on- and off-axis, coupled with absolutely neutral reproduction, meaning users can make mix decisions with confidence while also listening for longer – the dramatic reduction in unnatural imaging means listener fatigue is a fraction of that experienced with other systems. In addition, Genelec’s famous Directivity Control Waveguide (DCW™), is combined with the unmatched precision of The Ones’ concealed dual woofer design, resulting in less coloured reflections.

    Like the 8351, both the 8331 and 8341 can be orientated horizontally or vertically using an adjustable IsoPod base for isolation, with absolutely no compromise in performance, offering maximum flexibility to fit even the tightest of working environments. But while the 8331 and 8341 both echo the 8351 in form and function, the new models have been entirely reengineered to meet the challenges of their ultra-compact dimensions (just 299mm x 189mm x 212mm for the 8331, and 350mm x 237mm x 243mm for the 8341).

    Innovations include a motor assembly that sees both the midrange and the tweeter share the same compact magnet system, reducing size and weight with no reduction in response. The unique midrange coaxial driver cone is now comprised of concentric sections, optimising midrange linearity – as does the DCW which covers the entire front face of the enclosure. Despite the size of the 8331 and 8341, each unit incorporates three stages of dedicated Class D amplification, developed in-house by Genelec and including eco-friendly Intelligent Signal Sensing (ISS) energy saving technology.

    Small but mighty, The Ones are also powerful. The short-term maximum output capacities for each of the models is 104 dB SPL for the 8331 (at 1m), and 110 dB SPL for the 8341 (at 1m), with accuracy better than ±1.5 dB, and respective frequency responses starting at 45 Hz and 38 Hz (-6 dB) and extending beyond 40 kHz both for the analogue and digital inputs.

    The coaxial design allows for ultra-near-field listening, creating a dramatic improvement in the direct sound-to-reverberant sound ratio and further reducing the room’s influence while monitoring. The listening distance may be as short as 40 cm, with no loss of precision. At a listening distance of just 50 cm, the maximum SPL capability (headroom) is raised by more than 5 dB.

    Finally, with The Ones, Ultimate Point Source meets ultimate flexibility with Smart Active Monitoring (SAM™), the ground-breaking Genelec technology based on Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM™) 2.0 software for PC and Mac, incorporating AutoCal™.

    With SAM, The Ones take their place in a larger family of smart monitors from across the Genelec range, all of which can be used to create smart networks of up to 40 monitors and subwoofers per network, covering instantly recallable configurations from traditional stereo to immersive audio. GLM makes it simple to create optimal monitoring set-ups even in challenging environments, automatically compensating for detrimental room influences by calibrating levels, distance delays, phase and room equalisation to create a consistent, optimised listening environment.

    “The number of big ideas contained within these small monitors is truly remarkable, but no list of features can ever match up to the experience of simply listening to them,” commented Genelec Managing Director, Siamäk Naghian. “For professionals worldwide, the 8351 has already become the trusted standard for its neutrality, and its smooth frequency response both on- and off-axis. Now that same precision and three-way performance is available to everyone. With the 8331 and 8341, the size of your studio is no longer a barrier to the size of your ambition.”
  2. 聰明的木頭

    聰明的木頭 Well-Known Member

    如果能跟Dynaudio"一對"2500美金的LYD 48差不多就好了~
  3. 掌門人

    掌門人 當代校長張超然

    好像是 $2000......不過是ㄧ個,不是ㄧ對。:confused:
  4. 聰明的木頭

    聰明的木頭 Well-Known Member

    一對四千美金就有點...同價位的對手應該是HEDD Audio "Type20",
    Last edited: 2017-05-11
